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7 Very Useful Spray Tan Tips for People Who Have a Fair Skin

It is common knowledge that having a skin that is fair puts an individual at a great risk for developing skin cancer. This is why fair-skinned people are advised to get a spray tan rather than risk burning their skin in the hot sun. Spray tans have impressive results but it is important to know a few useful tips to help you maximize the effects of the process.
Tips The following are some 7 very useful spray tan tips for people who have a fair skin:

1. Exfoliating 

It is important to take some time to adequately prepare prior to a spray tanning session. This is because it has benefits like absorption and to achieve an even skin ton. All areas of the skin that are to be spray tanned should be exfoliated. Exfoliation will eliminate all skin cells that are dead thus making is simple for one to get a skin tone that is even. Exfoliation is particularly a useful tip for fair-skinned individuals who have mild differences in color compared to those people who are beginning with a dark base. Items to be used may be an exfoliating sponge, sugar exfoliator or sea salt exfoliator as these are effective in sloughing off cells prior to spray tanning.

2. Moisture barriers

It is never a good idea to place a barrier between a spray tanning solution and a fair skin that has been freshly exfoliated. This means that all creams and lotions should be removed from the skin. If any remnants of these moisture barriers are left on the skin, they act as barriers. This ultimately results in a streaky final tan or even splotchy white spots that reveals your fair tone.

3. Makeup

A cleanser or every mild makeup remover should be used to eliminate the concealer, foundation and all other kinds of cosmetics. The neck and face should both be completely free off these substances before tanning. This is because makeup acts as a type of barrier just like lotions and creams.

4. Tan extender

People with fair-skin usually experience fast fading tans. This is why it is advisable that fair skins use tan extenders to boost their tans for a bronze looking skin. Products that are dark self-tanning should be avoided. An extender that has a tint should help in moisturizing the skin as well as to keep the skin tan a fresh appearance.

5. Dressing

After the tanning application, it is advisable to put on an old gown or loose clothing that is dark in color.

6. Waxing 

Exfoliation and waxing should be done at least 24 hours before a spray tanning procedure. This helps the skin pores to close before spray tanning application.

7. Clothing

Disposable underwear and a one-use hat should be used during the spray tanning process.
Type of spray tan product People who have fair skin should use spray tanning products like the Australian Gold SPF 30 Spray Gel with Bronzer. It is very easy to apply, smells nice, provides a subtle golden glow and has a decent SPF. This is in addition to high quality types of tanning extenders as mentioned earlier.


Fair-skinned people can enjoy the advantages of spray tanning by various new techniques. This means that there is no reason to fear now because you know that your skin is bound to have an attractive glow following a spray tan. It is important to use the services of qualified spray tan technicians for quality and safe services.
